With more than 12 million members, SparkPeople.com is on a mission to help people live healthier lives. Whether that means losing weight, getting fit or running a marathon, SparkPeople has tools that lead folks toward nutritious food choices and inspire them to exercise.
Since 2010, I’ve been collaborating with the small and mighty team at SparkPeople.com, developing web content about healthy cooking and eating. I’ve written about healthy and creative ways to top that morning bowl of oatmeal, tips for stocking a spice rack, strategies for a disaster-proof Thanksgiving dinner. I’ve written about nutrition-packed foods, CSAs, Â container gardens, and more. To date, we’ve teamed up on more than 20 web articles. And our work together is now expanding to include recipes and articles for SparkRecipes.com.
It’s terrific to be a part of the SparkPeople community and to help inspire others to get fit, get active and get healthy.